AMWA Rocky Mountain Chapter
Welcome to the Rocky Mountain Chapter of the American Medical Writers Association! AMWA-RMC includes the states of Colorado, Utah & Wyoming. (Residents of Idaho and Montana also participate.) A nonprofit society, AMWA promotes excellence in biomedical communication by:
bringing together communicators and editors engaged in the medical and allied health professions throughout the world,
offering an extensive educational program,
providing a forum for networking and interactive meetings, and
publishing the quarterly AMWA Journal.
The AMWA Rocky Mountain Chapter plans 3–4 programs around the Denver and Salt Lake City metro areas each year. Some programs involve topics that may stimulate ideas for writing, while other programs concern particular aspects of medical writing.
Upcoming Events
Virtual Happy Hour
When: Thursday, March 20, 2025
5:30-6:30pm Mountain time
Where: Online, Register here
Join us for for the Rocky Mountain Chapter of the American Medical Writers Association Virtual 'Happh Hour' event on Thursday March 20th! Registration is needed but the event is open to all - current or aspiring medical writers, or those interested in finding out more! There will be speed networking, games, and more!
Networking Brunch in January
When: Saturday, January 11, 2025, 11AM
Where: Four Friends Kitchen
Address: 2893 Roslyn St, Denver, CO 80238
We'll meet for brunch with other chapter members for conversation and networking. You'll need to pay for your own meal at this event.
Please feel free to bring friends along who may be interested in joining AMWA.
Since we'll be making a reservation for brunch, please RSVP here.
Networking Coffee in February
When: Saturday, February 15, 2025, 2 PM
Where: Otis Craft Collective
Address: 400 W. South Boulder Rd, Ste 1100, Lafayette, Colorado 80026
Come join us for an informal networking event over coffee or tea. We'll chat about medical writing and editing and learn how we can help each other with career goals.
Please feel free to bring friends along who may be interested in joining AMWA.
There's no need to RSVP but if you'd like to let us know you're coming, drop an email to Cheryl at
Virtual happy hour networking event:
Friday, December 6, 2024
5:30 - 6:30 pm Mountain time
Join us for a Friday virtual 'Happy Hour' of networking and getting to know the board and other chapter members. We will spend a little time chatting as a group and then get to know each other better in breakout rooms. Bring your fizzy water, wine, etc. to celebrate the end of the week with fellow medical writers.
In-person networking event:
Thursday, November 21, 2024
11:30 am - 1 pm Mountain time
Rosetta Hall
1109 Walnut St., Boulder, CO
We will meet for lunch with other chapter members for conversation and networking. Please feel free to bring friends along who may be interested in joining AMWA.
Connect With Us!
AMWA-RMC Facebook page
AMWA-RMC LinkedIn group (you must first join the AMWA national LinkedIn group, then request membership in our chapter group)
Questions? Want to learn more about getting involved with the chapter?
Contact us at
2023-24 AMWA-RMC Board of Directors
President – Cheryl McCutchan
President Elect – Gwen Taylor
Secretary – Deepika Sridhar
Treasurer – Lindsey Summers
Immediate Past President – Pamela Stebbins
Events Coordinator – Pamela Stebbins
Webmaster – Gwen Taylor
Communications Director – Emma Louise Robinson
How to Join the AMWA Rocky Mountain Chapter: Membership in an AMWA regional chapter is included in your AMWA membership. New AMWA members can select a chapter during the join process. Current AMWA members can select or change chapters in their user profile.
How to Join AMWA: Visit the Membership page at the AMWA national organization website.
Benefits of AMWA Membership: AMWA offers medical writers and editors opportunities for professional development at the Annual Conference, held each fall, and at regional conferences located throughout the country. These conferences are an excellent opportunity to brush up on your grammar skills, further develop your writing style, learn about new and emerging technologies, or just network with other professionals. For more information on these conferences, please visit the AMWA national organization website.
AMWA also offers an extensive array of courses to help members build their skills and earn valuable credentials. The Medical Writer Certified (MWC®) credential has been developed by the Medical Writing Certification Commission (MWCC), in collaboration with the American Medical Writers Association (AMWA). The MWC defines the scope of medical writing practice and distinguishes individuals in the field.
Want to Hire a Medical Writer? Whether you are looking for a contract / freelance writer to help you with projects or you want to hire a full time employee, you can advertise to a large population of biomedical communicators through AMWA-RMC. Use our contact page to send us information, and we will post the job ad for free on our members-only LinkedIn page. You can also search for freelance writers in the AMWA Freelance Directory.
Disclaimer: The content in this website is under the control of the Rocky Mountain Chapter and is the responsibility of the chapter, not of the AMWA national organization.